
Acts (Belief: A Theological Commentary on the Bible) is unavailable, but you can change that!

In this new commentary for the Belief series, award-winning author and theologian Willie James Jennings explores the relevance of the book of Acts for the struggles of today. While some see Acts as the story of the founding of the Christian church, Jennings argues that it is so much more, depicting revolution—life in the disrupting presence of the Spirit of God. According to Jennings, Acts is...

was precisely as a couple that they engaged in their economic calculations, and it was precisely as a couple that Satan filled their hearts and they lied to the Holy Spirit (v. 3). The couple agreed together to put the Spirit of the Lord to the test (v. 9). This is not the first couple to test God. Indeed from the first couple made one flesh by God, God has had to contend against its plans that would resist the divine will. Here is the energy that drives the most powerful forms of cultural, social,
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